Diane Wheaton

Writing stories where obstacles become stepping stones...
Finding Loretta: An Adopted Daughter's Search to Define Family

Finding Loretta: An Adopted Daughter's Search to Define Family

Finding Loretta: An Adopted Daughter's Search to Define Family
A Memoir
By Diane Wheaton
Published by She Writes Press

Born in Oakland, California, and adopted as an infant by a naval officer and his wife during the Baby Scoop Era, Diane Wheaton has always heard conflicting versions of the truth of her origins--but it's not until she is forty-seven years old that she begins to search for her biological family in earnest. Amid search and reuinion, however, Diane's adoptive parents become ill--and while overseeing their care, she is told about a secret they have kept from her for over fifteen years. This shocking disclosure complicates her already complicated feelings for them, and she finds herself faced with an important decision--one that feels almost impossible to make, but which results in a level of healing she never could have anticipated.